Agropolychim works at full capacity

Agropolychim, as one of the largest fertilizer producers in the Balkans, started working at full capacity after a successful completion of another stage of the company’s large-scale investment program. During the 50-day nitrogen production shutdown, several major facilities were upgraded. One of the most important projects was the partial reconstruction of the nitric acid plant where a new steam turbine was put into operation. With the new equipment, internal steam consumption has been reduced by over 10%, which will contribute to a further significant reduction in the company’s natural gas consumption. This comes in addition to the already operational steam plant using straw bales as fuel. Since 2019, Agropolychim switched from ammonia production to imported ammonia after the commissioning of its ammonia terminal which made the company almost completely independent of the price of natural gas. This year, the capacity of the ammonia terminal will be increased by 130% after an investment of over EUR 17,000,000. The supply of ammonia has been secured and is currently imported from various suppliers from the Middle East, northern Africa and America. This also allows Agropolychim to deliver ammonia and ammonia water to various industries in Bulgaria and Romania.
The production of nitrogen, phosphorus and combined fertilizers will be operating at full capacity, which is sufficient to meet the needs of Bulgarian farmers and some export. Regional farmers understandably are already taking steps to stock up on the quantities which they need for the upcoming autumn fertilization campaign in view of the fact that most producers in the region have stopped working due to the price of natural gas.
Agropolychim sells worldwide more than 1,300,000 tons of fertilizers, 900,000 tons of which are from its own production. With the company’s current investment program, production will be doubled and new products will be added within the next 5 years.