
Agropolychim AD (JSC) with new success under Operational Programme “Human Resources Development“

On 01.03.2018 AGROPOLYCHIM AD signed a contract for a grant under Operational Programme “Human Resources Development” N BG05M9OP001-1.021-0163-C01, in conformity with procedure “Employee Training” financed with the support of the European Social Fund of the European Union. The Project is at the value of 129 745.00 BGN and will last 16 months, the subsidy under the Contract being 100%.

The Project “Acquisition of professional qualification and key competences by employees in Agropolychim AD” will provide possibilities for of quality and sustainable employment of 241 employees of AGROPOLYCHIM AD through enhancement of their knowledge and skills in conformity with the changes occurring in the Company. They will be included in trainings for acquisition of professional qualification and key competences, which will guarantee their retention and most of all the increase of their possibilities for career development. Predominantly employees of the Company of many years will be included in trainings who need updating of their skills aimed at being in a position to satisfy the current needs of the Employer.

As a result of the provided possibilities for trainings for acquisition of needed professional qualifications and key competences the employees will adapt faster and efficiently to the enhanced requirements for the positions occupied by them. On the other hand, the participation in activities for lifelong learning will contribute to their personal and social development and enhancement of the motivation for successful professional realization. Thanks to the more qualified manpower, AGROPOLYCHIM AD will have possibility to realize its planned strategic investments and make use of the full potential of the introduced new production, information and communication technologies. The Project will satisfy the increasing needs of the Company of employees with high general and specific skills, by which the competitiveness of the enterprise will increase through more efficient use of the input resources and raw materials.

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