Agropolychim AD in favor of farmers.
Agropolychim AD is a leading manufacturer of nitrogen fertilizers in Southeastern Europe and leader in the production of phosphate fertilizers on the Balkan Peninsula. The realization of its products on the domestic and foreign market is carried out by the sales representative and subsidiary of Agropolychim AD – Afer Bulgaria EOOD.
Since 2014, the company has been having a specialized department of Agrochemistry and Soil Science that offers agronomic services to support the innovative and precise farmer. The agrnomic department works for the improvement of communication between the company and the users of mineral fertilizers. This has been achieved thanks to the constant communication with farmers from different regions in the country who are interested in the application of fertilizer from the product range of the company, as well as their application for the proper and timely nutrition of the plants.
Agronomic services offered by Agropolychim AD:
- Development of programs for balanced fertilization with liquid and dry products.
The department team prepares fertilization programs in accordance with the soil type, the type of the culture and its requirements in the various phases of its development. The presence of soil analysis thanks to which it is easier to determine the need of the plants of the respective fertilizers is desirable. If farmers do not have soil analyses, they can receive assistance for making them.
- Consultations and biolding a precise fertilization model that is consistent with the need of each culture
- Development of a comprehensive technology for growing crops and perennial crops
- Correct soil sampling, preparation of soil analyses
- Interpretation of results of soil analysis and making recommendations for improving soil characteristics
- Field inspection of seed producing crops and comprehensive advice on preparation and production process
Informing the farmers is carried out by advertising which is an integral part of the department activities. It is one of the main means that serves to inform farmers. They receive the necessary information from various sources such as:
- press (2 newspapers, 4 magazines)
- television
- a website
- a Facebook page
- particiation in seminars, fora and other events related to agriculture
- conducting joint demonstrational experimental fields with agricultural equipment distributors and seed production companies
- cooperation with universities, etc.
Our goal is to be most useful to grain producers whose objectives are:
- improving soil fertility
- increasing product quality
- increasing yields
- reducing the cost of the resulting production
- increasing revenues.